Student Employment Program
Providing students with an opportunity to gain work experience with local employers.
Community members between the ages of 15 and 30 currently attending school can apply for this program run by Kayas College each summer. Students are placed in paid positions with local employers to gain work experience and summer income. This year, the program has been extended to include winter students.
The application process is set up to expose students to standard job application procedures including the writing of a resume and cover letter, providing references, and attending an interview to be considered for placement. High school students are informed in advance that grades and attendance are a consideration in selecting candidates, as an incentive to raise their academic standing.
Community employers benefit from accessing labour paid for by the program. Students are occasionally offered part-time work at their positions into the following school year, and successful students are likely to return the following summer.
As an added bonus, students that accumulate enough work hours with their employer can be considered for academic credits.